Friday, 27 April 2012


Hardly the best birthday present - I've just heard my entry for CQ@10  'Indigo Mine' has been rejected. While stressing that mainly dictated by the wall space available  and not a reflection of the quality of the work,  I was not comfortable having to  work from someone elses image and that is probably reflected in  this piece. 

Maybe I was too honest in my artists statement about the struggle I had, maybe the sample (above) wasn't up to scratch. Maybe it was too blue!
I hope for better success with my other indigo pieces.

UPDATE - there were only 23 selected from 61 entries so I don't feel so bad now to be part of the majority not accepted. I  had just enough notice to fill in an entry form for Small Wall Hanging Category at Sandown  quilt show in June so at least it will be seen somewhere!


  1. Sympathies - me too though I'm hardly in the same league as you: I felt the same about the image and went off at a tangent, with ideas unresolved so although I felt disappointed I wasn't really all that surprised.

    I've heard that your quilt is wonderful (from NWCQ people at the retreat) - hope you have other places for it to go as I was looking forward to seeing it.

  2. oh i'm sorry :( it really stings having your work rejected whatver the reason.

    have a lovely birthday, despite the sting

  3. Hi Margaret
    I had my piece rejected as well, and I feel just like you.
    i cant believe yours has been rejected! Mine wasnt good so I'm not surprised.
