Friday, 1 June 2012

In the last 2 weeks I have been....

Working Hard!!
Last weekend  with Ian at his parents, I stitched solidly Friday evening and all of Saturday , taking photographs very early Sunday morning (before coffee even!) and made my online submission to SAQA Horizons. Cross Fingers! With it being so hot , I took my lunches out into the gardens at work, cycling round to see  how the David Nash installations were going , see patterns in the trees everywhere, admiring this lovely sweet chestnut.

A week of contrast of scales. We had a staff photo in the giant olympic rings in front of the orangery - I'm  towards the bottom of the black ring ( actually dark purple violas). I'm the proud 'mum' of some germinating fern spores of the Anogramma ascensionis - Ascension Island Parsley Fern. They may be less than 1mm  in size but I'm thrilled.

Over the Jubilee weekend we've got Australian friend Maggie staying - we've got tickets for Battersea Park to see the River Pageant.  As she's sleeping in my studio,  just need to do a last check for pins....

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