One of the things I most enjoy about the Summer Exhibition is the diversity. With so much to see, I don't go with any preconceptions of what to look out for but go with whatever catches my eye, make a note of it and then frequently make some interesting discoveries when I do some research online. I usally find some rich pickings among the prints and this year was no exception.
The delicate fine lines in the untitled etching by Tooney Phillips( similar to above) reminded me of Gordale Scar so I was gratified to find she's done a whole series of work based on limestone quarries. Take a look at the photo-montages which reminds me of Pojagi.
The subtle variations, repetitions (including mirror images) and use of colour were what drew me to a couple of large pieces by Bella Easton. I'm interested in the combination of several units in one piece - each unit capable of standing on its own merits.
I was intrigued by this small print by Katherine Jones, a combination of etching and blockprint. I'm still exploring ideas around having an image of a whole structure superimposed on a detail , started in Elizabeth Barton's Masterclass and in these Journal Quilts . The mysterious background of the glasshouse in this print evokes all kinds of thing: plant cell, spiders webs, compost.
My next choice also has some mystery about it. This rather poor photo is all I could find on the web of 'Tower of Babel:Fire :Library of Babylon' a digital print of flames and ladders constructed of miniscule words from printouts/ books. It is listed as being by Jackie Parry - I wondered whether this is a misprint for Jacki Parry? I found some wonderful links about this artist who also makes handmade paper - this is an interview about one of her exhibitions. If it's not the same artist, an intriguing work has led me down some interesting paths and brought back memories of the Babylon exhibition at the British Museum
'Mere' by Jason Hicklin also used multiple units to make up a larger work, part of a an ambitious project, the Canal Etchings .
I don't normally like very realistic drawings or paintings but the composition of 'The Gamble' was so strong and the subject matter so unusual, making the ordinary beautiful. Then I found it was by George Shaw, Turner Prize nominee in 2011.
Finally, I couldn't resist this large woodcut 'The Torrent' by Martin Davidson. So energetic and so much skill.
It is always such a pleasure to be able to look again at works through others' eyes. And to then follow the links. The Summer Exhibition is always such a delightful introduction to random input.