Thursday, 22 November 2012

More Bookwraps

On Saturday I took the bookwraps I've made so far to meeting of Thames Valley Contemporary Textile  group  to  encourage others to make some for the tombola next year at FoQ. There was quite a lot of interest,  and also a few requests on where  I got my  A5 sketchbooks (Seawhite of Brighton 'Starter').  I'd stocked up at the London Graphic Centre  but they're also available online directly  .

I used up yet another project ( an experiment with steam fixed silk paints)  and worked  out a cunning means of fastening - pony tail elastic bands!!
The first of the zigzag offcuts covers worked well  with the bonus of an interesting inner surface of various backing fabrics.

Working out ideas for hardback sketchboooks, I incorporated a sleeve at one end but a strip/band  at the other so it will accommodate different thicknesses of  book. Finished this one off  with binding and a ribbon.

Adapting the idea  of overlapping  sleeves I use for cushion backs, this  wrap using cut up  ophan quilt  blocks was very quick and easy - much easier  than binding. I'm going to prepare this as a tutorial for the 'patterns'  page on the website, with a variation incorporating the strip/band.  


  1. The bookwraps are beautiful, Margaret! I enjoyed reading about Thames Valley Textile Group.

  2. Love your bookwraps, I've made some notebooks using woven covers, hope to have photos of them on my blog soon.

  3. These are fun! I found myself making a bookwrap and now am dithering about fastenings - does the ribbon tucked into itself work well for keeping the book wrapped?? Love the ponytail bands idea - I suspect there will be a lot of those used!
