Thursday, 16 January 2014

Measure Twice, Cut Once

I'm really annoyed  with myself for ignoring the golden rule of 'measure twice, cut once' while  trimming  down my 'Gray Scale' challenge piece for International Threads. Instead of being 40 x 80 cm it is 38 x 80 and that missing  2m on the RH side would have made all the difference.

When I was on the Human Marks workshop with Dorothy Caldwell in Puglia, I took a photo of my index finger stained and ingrained with Indian ink after a morning of making fingerprint marks.
I manipulated the photo in Photoshop, dividing it into 6 overlapping sections, and printed it out on a commercial batik (with marks that reminded me of my fingerprints) treated with bubblejet set.


  1. love the idea of the finger prints.
    I would love to follow your blog, but you don't have an email sign in gadget on your blog.

    You live in an amazing area.. vivian

  2. oh what an annoying thing to happen - what happens now?? Good luck!!

  3. Did it have to be exactly that size?

    BTW, I've sent you an e mail, but I don't know if you still have the same e mail address. Mine hasn't changed (yet).
