lockdown I travelled regularly by train from Faversham in Kent to London to
visit galleries and for art courses and made artworks based on my journeys, my
‘Space Out Of Time’. These included an installation of
stitched overlapping booklets of tracings of maps along the route. I primarily work with multi-layered, worn, textiles: double- sided semi-translucent loops,
referencing the continual repeats of my travels and linear records of walks on
painted strips of calico.
In lockdown,
my focus has become been very local, using my bike to explore the countryside
around me. I’m increasingly risk averse and feel safer on my bike than on foot,
a travelling island with limited contact with people. My map ‘Shimanonimbus’
uses photos of my bike, altered in Photoshop, de-constructed and collaged onto
a background of painted newspaper with glimpses of underlying text and colour.
The shapes remind me of places visited and where I hope to travel to once