Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Breakthrough Process-Part 2 (Photoshop)

Next steps - design process. Having attempted some rather unsatisfactory sketches trying to combine elements I liked from both Southend and Bexhill photos, I resorted to combining images in Photoshop. I'd had a go at this earlier with one of my Honesty pieces but I got on better once Ian showed me how to resize images before doing cut and paste.

I still needed to sort out what happened where they merge. Although the shapes of the breakwater were not whatI wanted, the combination of sample and photo started to give a feel of how it might look.
Although Photoshop is definately a useful tool and one I'd use again to do this kind of compositional planning, it led in the end to quite a 'photographic' piece which was not my original intention. I probably need to introduce some kind of filter at this stage to simplify the output.


Linda B. said...

Fascinating reading. Can't wait for the next installement - better than a 'soap' anyday!

Sandra Wyman said...

Thanks for sharing this - I'm looking forward to the next instalment too!