Thursday, 25 August 2011

Text Progress: Raving needs more work

Apart from cooking, cleaning and tacking the freesat cable around the skirting and door of the 'parlour', I spent most of last weekend working  on my sketches  for Quilt University course 'inspired to design' (more in another post) and whirring away  on my text journal quilts using Pfaff Grandquilter .It coped admirably  with all the layers of fabric and ink-aided colour catchers.
They've been marinading on my design wall while I decide if they need anything more. I followed the shapes vaguely and tried to catch everything down without losing all the raw torn edges.
I don't think 'THE'above needs any more doing to it , but 'RAVING' below definately does. It did have a marked white oval in the centre but that has almost disappeared - one of the effects of machine quilting is to unify the surface which has benefits and drawbacks. Paint or stitch to bring that white back?

I was thinking of doing some  hand stitching in orange on 'VENUE' and ' PARTY'

Perhaps some hand stitching in blue to emphasise the shapes in 'CELEBRATE' and 'OCCASION' ?

Then the decision about which 4 constitute CQ JQ's for June to September? Perhaps 'Celebrate,Occasion, Party, Venue'?? My favourite so far is 'Party' but that might change.

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