A most enjoyable meeting of Thames Valley Contemporary Textile Group in Bracknell on Saturday.
I haven't been since January so it was great to catch up with people. We had a talk from Ali Mesley (CQ co-ordinator) in the morning and then spent the afternoon fusing papers with Sandy. I'd had a good dig through stuff I had finished with for the popular 'Been there, done that' stall run by Delia but couldn't resist a bundle of her hand dyed fabric.
When I got home, I realised the colours were the same as the buggy cultures I found in the broken cold store at work! Inspiration in all kinds of places. I couldn't resist taking a photo to put in my talks to MSc students to demonstrate the need for sterile technique!!
Rather than fusing small pieces of paper together and applying to fabric, I made tissue/handmade paper 'sandwiches' with new sketchbook project 'surfaces and stitch' in mind.
Our BT Homehub has given up so we had an internet free weekend. Time to catch up with house hold chores, 'inkaid' some more colourcatchers, stitch into my indigo sea piece and contemplate chopping up this old red and white quilt I bought on ebay ( detail on right) . It's actually only 2 layers , the backing an interesting heavyweight homespun twill but it's beautifully handstitched with chevrons.
I bid for it thinking it would make a suitably distressed background for the 'stick' inspired fabrics produced on Jo Budd workshop. I did like stitching into canvas for 'Violet Seas' but that's her technique - rescuing and giving new life to old textiles makes it more mine.