a Yoshiko Wada workshop at the FoQ. We'd been asked to bring a selection of cottons, silks, wools and there was a workshop pack containing a selection of unusual organzas and wools, some from Japan. We sewed these into a patchwork sample and then tried various resist stitching methods, the piece being dyed afterwards in the virtual studio. Unfortunately I didn't budget my time properly, taking too long to incorporate as many fabrics as possible so I was frantically tying knots until the last minute, most areas getting just a token wrapping.
Friday, 31 August 2007
Shibori sampler
a Yoshiko Wada workshop at the FoQ. We'd been asked to bring a selection of cottons, silks, wools and there was a workshop pack containing a selection of unusual organzas and wools, some from Japan. We sewed these into a patchwork sample and then tried various resist stitching methods, the piece being dyed afterwards in the virtual studio. Unfortunately I didn't budget my time properly, taking too long to incorporate as many fabrics as possible so I was frantically tying knots until the last minute, most areas getting just a token wrapping.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
The front room says its had enough
The stash finally has a new home! The move went smoothly - everything that wasn't obviously kitchen, garden or bedroom was placed in the front upstairs room that is destined to be my studio until one of the removal men pointed out that they couldn't squeeze any more in. We spent the Bank Holiday weekend cleaning and unpacking essentials and finding unexpected items ( the labelling rather went to pot towards the end of the packing process ).
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Last day of packing before the move tomorrow - sealing up with parcel tape all my plastic boxes of fabric (55 of varying dimensions) so that they don't release their contents on descent from the loft. That's quite a stash!
The removal men are coming between 9 and 10, we've reserved a parking space for the van using compost bins. Coming to the end of the second bottle of wine - time to pack up the computer.
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Jellyfish Tree

Before I pack the printer up , I've been printing a card for the microprop sandwich student who is leaving soon. Sam has worked on several Critically Endangered plants including Medusagne oppositifolia (the Jellyfish Tree, so-called as its fruits resemble Medusa!)
I made a journal quilt a couple of years ago based on photos of the plant (from websites and from jars in the lab) , altered in Photoshop. The pink stripes are photos of the growth room lights- the 'gro-lux' tubes didn't need much altering!
Monday, 20 August 2007
In the Spotlight

Just back after 4 days at the Festival of Quilts. I was thrilled to
see my piece 'Strindberg Shore' in such a prominent position
in the gallery space allocated to the QG 'In the Spotlight' exhibition. It was finished close to the deadline so I didn't have much opportunity to live with it before being sent off so I was more concerned with the disatisfaction of it not turning out as I'd hoped. Viewing it afresh I'm rather pleased with it - the biggest challenge was scaling up from experimental A4 pieces to something so large ( 80 x 130cm). Artists who's opinions I respect have been very kind with their comments so I feel confident in exploring these new techniques further.
I've been to FoQ every year ( including directly after my honeymoon!) but this is the first time I've gone for 4 days instead of 2. It makes a big difference in terms of pacing and contemplation, going back to pieces several times. I thought that I might do less impulse buying with time to consider purchases but I still spent a lot, all necessary supplies of course! The main difference was that I had the opportunity to take part in some workshops in the quilt academy, learning techniques , some more of interest than others (especially the shibori )
Now back to earth with a bump, packing things up for the move on Friday.
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Friday, 10 August 2007
Sewing Space, Old Place