We're heading 'up North' tomorrow to
Malham Tarn Field Centre, Ian to do a course on History in the Landscape and I'm doing a painting course with artist
Katherine Holmes. In sorting out my art materials, I came across the paintings I did on a course with her at Malham in Spring 2005 which started me off on the route of painting with acrylics on fabrics . It was my first experience of experimenting with various acrylic media so as with anything you're new to , there was an element of frustration that the results didn't necessarily match up to the fun of the process. Looking at them with fresh eyes , there's parts of them that I rather like and give me ideas for how to progress this week.

This one is the smallest at 1/4 imperial. While I like the textures (acrylic media scratched into and painted over) it really needs to be bigger to carry it off

Elements of this are interesting, I enjoyed the combination of torn paper collage and pastels and working larger at 1/2 imperial was less constraining.

These 2 details of an 1/2 imperial painting of the rockface at Gordale Scar are the most interesting . I started the painting in situ - nothing beats direct observation. The left hand side of the painting (not shown) doesn't work that well - I think I was probably trying too hard to do a 'landscape' painting when what I was drawn to was the abstract shapes and colours. I think over the last 3 years through working with acrylics on fabric I've got better at abstraction - perhaps as there is less emphasis on making a picture.

In a way, this drawing is probably the best thing I did. I normally skim over the drawing stage to dive into colour but something about working with an ink brush pen on watercolour paper and drawing what was just in front of me absorbed me. I was sitting on the edge of a path drawing the other side of the valley and only gave up when rain stopped play!

Painting equipment 2005 (including the kitchen sink or equivalent)
Have a wonderful time. The opportunity to look back at where you were up to last time makes an excellent start point.
I can see why you rate the ink drawing but for me the second piece captures the 'feel' of this area amazingly well.
Can't wait to see the results of this year's visit.
This sounds wonderful! You're visiting the area I grew up in and I love your rock formations. I'll follow this with great interest, especially as I'm going back to painting when I can pluck up the courage. Have a great time and I hope the weather is kind (ie lots of storm clouds and atmospheric views but not rain or biting creatures)
I've just come back from the Foq and saw your journal piece. I thought it was truly beautiful and one of my favourite pieces in the whole show. I decided that before I looked at the name so when realized it was you it was extra thrilling! Cool to see a piece you like by a familiar name, albeit and internet connection!
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