Sorting through all my stuff, as well as fabric threads etc , I've came across several old uncompleted projects.

The earliest UFO (UnFinished Object) dates from 1982 when , flushed with success at making a quilted bag , I decided ( as you do!) to make a double size bed quilt next! I spend days in mum's shed going through her bags of fabric ( she was an embroiderer and quilter although it was me that as a child acquired all those cotton dresses at Jumble Sales - sharper elbows!). Then templates for 'snowball' pattern were made from graph paper stuck to cereal packets, fabric marked and cut out with scissors. It was pieced using my hand operated Singer ( which I still have). At least I had the sense to assemble it for quilting using 'quilt-as- you- go method' in 6 sections.

I spent a lot of time hand quilting intricate spiderwebs ( and some spiders) and the lines on the 'wickerwork', completing 2 sections but abandoned it to move onto more exciting ( and quicker) projects. I ruined another section practising using the 'hand quilting' stitch on my brand new Bernina in the 1990's and it was abandoned again

Several quilt tops have already made their way to Sue's charity quilt group to complete - looking at these sections again I thought that I could make a couple of lap quilts out of them. I've added some extra machine quilting where necessary and am currently putting on bindings and undoing all my meticulous tacking ( well before I discovered safety pins) It's been quite satisfying to do something that's useful for a change rather than artistic although I could still do something quirky with the 2 sections left.....
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