Sunday 30 December 2018

CQ Journal Quilts 2018 ( and earlier years)

 A composite  of all 12 of my CQ Journal Quilts from 2018, 7 x 9 inches ,  mainly pieced from offcuts and scraps and experiments in excavating sections of old quilts and  stitching to emphasise the holes and creases. Beauty in found marks.  Read more about January to April; May to August and September to  December.

I've been making Journal  Quilts since 2003 and over the years  they've been important to me as  experiments and samples and  a sense of achievement in squeezing  at least some stitching into  a busy life. Some have become the basis of larger works,  others not (or at least not yet). Since 2007 I've  joined in with the challenges set by the Contemporary Quilt  specialist group of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles  and seeing what others do with the same theme and the variety of sizes and formats  is so inspiring.

 Here's a few groupings from previous years.










The Idaho Beauty said...

It's always interesting (and often enlightening) to view a year's worth of journal quilts as a group. Even more interesting seeing many years' worth grouped one after the other.

Margaret Cooter said...

It's good to have them all in once place! Quite a few of mine have "gone west", but I did remember to photograph them first.