Thursday, 13 June 2019

A Summer of Exhibiting

 If it's  been a bit quiet  here it's because I've  been busy working towards  ' Meanwhile...' exhibition from EDAM  course. Only a couple of weeks to go ( RK Burt Gallery, 2-4  July) and the postcard/PV invitation has been printed and I'm thrilled  that  one of my  map tracing experiments were used on the back.  I'm still  working out how I'm going to display  them , it could go to wire...( but then  I've always needed a deadline to focus the mind)   
 And suddenly ( or should that be meanwhile?!)  there's a lot of other opportunities over the summer to show  my work .  Today I went  Creek Creative  to see   Open Exhibition on the theme  of ' The Journey'   and was pleased to see they'd hung  both of the pieces  I produced while on CQ retreat  in  Grasmere ( still haven't blogged about that but I did write a short article for the newsletter).  It's on until 23rd June, some interesting work on show and I highly recommend the café.   
Looking forward to  exhibiting there in September  with  CQ Kent group 'Edgy Stitchers'.  

 Also on  in the first week of July ( 4th to 7th)    is   the 'Other Art Fair'  and I hope to squeeze in a visit  , particularly  so I can see the  artworks produced for the "Tiny Sketchbook Project"  
 Initially dismayed  by just how small it was and the very thin paper, in the end I really enjoyed  making "The Tiny Islands of Sewing Land"  and stitching it on the train. The poor quality  of the paper proved an advantage when I took rubbings of the stitching.  
  My contribution to the 7th European Quilt Triennial " Wind me in the  Sea" ( also mainly stitched on the train)  is currently being exhibited  ( until 30 October)  at Textile Zentrum Haslach,  Austria . The catalogue has been reproduced online here  and the exhibition has been promoted as one of the highlights of  the European Textile Network conference in July.  I'll have to wait until next year  to see it, hopefully at Festival of Quilts 2020.

 I visited  the quilt show at Hever   several times  over the years , sometimes with Ian (  the sloe gin we made from sloes gathered walking back to the train  we labelled 'Hever' ). This show is sadly no more but a new event  has been initiated  this year  at Lullingstone Castle . The organisers  wanted to showcase as many quilts as possible  so it seemed a good opportunity  to  show  an old favourite  ''City Girls Dream of the Sea' ( above)   which I hand stitched 20 years ago recovering from surgery ( sadly it's too big to   display in our current house)   Also to finally show 'Indigo Mine'  which was in the Salon Des Refuses for the CQ at 10 exhibition.
 Finally, I don't have anything in this years  Festival of Quilts  in August but I'm delighted that 'Birchington Breakwaters"  was selected for SAQA 'Made In Europe 3' .  It will  open at the West Country Quilt and Textile show in Bristol  29-31  August . It's a really nice show so a good excuse to go - on my own this time  as it's on at the same time as  the  Hop Festival .  After Bristol , the exhibition will tour to venues in France, Netherlands and Germany in 2020.