Besides the portraits and pictures of battleships at sea there were some contemporary work on display alongside older pieces.
My favourites were the panel of tiles hung opposite each other : the panel of old Delft tiles showing whaling opposite 'Sea Marks' by Tania Kovats. Her inspiring book 'Drawing Water' shows variations of this done in ink.
To get to the galleries you have to climb the gorgeous 'Tulip Staircase'
Besides paintings, they had some quirkier old artworks like the woolwork embroidered pictures ( don't you love those skies!) and the Working Mens Educational posters of the stars from 1850's printed on cotton ( they could be easily rolled and hung up in different venues)
Another fabric wall hanging was this fantastic huge screenprinted commemoration of the Glasgow shipyards by Alexander Hardie Williamson. I'd never heard of him - apparently he's best known for designing Ravenhead glassware. The subject matter also had resonance for me - my grandfather was a pattern-maker there ( he was involved with the refit of Queen Mary) and my dad an apprentice , going to evening classes to get a HND in engineering.
Scattered around several rooms were the paintings of Herbert Barnard John Everett who apparently has the largest number of paintings in public collections of any artist! Definitely worth finding out more about - I loved his stylised designs and colour

But enough of looking at paintings , I was determined to do at least some drawing, attempting from a dark corner to draw this 'Scare devil' from the Nicobar Islands . Difficult foreshortening and poor lighting means he looks more like Noddy than a power figure!
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