I learnt the trick of inserting straight cut inserts in curves from
Alison Schwabe on a course at 'La Maison du Patchwork' in France in 2004. She is a master of this technique, slightly altering the width or putting tiny insets in the strips in her 'ebb and flow' series , although it is '
Mirage' which makes my heart sing!

I put this into practice for the 'Silver Threads' challenge for 25th Anniversary of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles but haven't used it again until recently, adding some variety of colour line to my 'Thin Blue Line' piece besides stitching. This will also provide the colour cues when I come to paint it .

I liked what I'd achieved so decided to use some of the leftover strips I'd cut and insert them in the other kimono fabric I've been using which has an amazing mix of colour in the threads it is woven with. This, after stitching with a twin needle in bright variagated thread is my March CQ Journal Quilt 'Skylines'

Interesting effect on the back from the 'zig-zag' of the twin needle.

Having just looked at
Alison's blog, I was a bit uncomfortable to find that my 'Skylines' shares a lot of similarities with her recent 'ebb and flow' piece. I don't want to paint this piece as I don't feel it needs it but I almost feel I have to, to put my mark on it, to distiguish it.
this effect is really interesting me, love the technique and its possibilities. is it difficult?
This is wonderful as it is,and while I understand what you say about feeling uncomfortable, it seems a shame to paint it.
I think the twin needled piece looks great - and very interesting indeed on the back. I know what you mean about the need to make your piece different by painting it, and, I do think it would be right as you have such an individual and interesting style. On the other hand it is very beautiful as it is. It's amazing how many people come up with similar ideas and whilst I understand you feeling uncomfortable about it, it happens all the time to everyone, and I think you should just do what the piece wants you to do.
Very interesting effect.i'm going to try it on sheer fabric.
neki desu
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