Friday 29 August 2014

Indigo Gloat - quilt sections old and new

 Dipping sections of old quilt into the indigo vat was hard work - heavy once soaked and difficult to manoeuvre and to ensure no air got in (I left them until last). So worth it though! This very tatty quilt with remnants of red baskets was my favourite.
 Closely followed by this section of a log cabin coverlet with a lace-like holey backing

 It wasn't all old quilts though - I also included a strip I'd cut off a quilt I made myself several years ago, one of my first experiments in machine quilting. It has quite a lot of different  cream and red fabrics, some silk, some cotton and I was interested to see how differently these took the dye.

 I wrestled with a rather boring thin Durham quilt ( not the best stitching), wrapping it around a pole. I love the difference in the marks on the front and back and some quilted circles have become more prominent - an interesting piece to work with I think.
 And lastly the 'snake' wrapped around a vacuum  hose - lovely variety of marks both front and back.
Now  time for them to marinade on my design wall and work out how to make the most of their charms , making them my own.

1 comment:

Susan Briscoe said...

Enjoying these results. Must do some indigo dyeing up here - when I find where I packed my indigo!