Thursday 6 August 2015

Ecodying at FoQ:Day 3

 Wool bundles dyed in cochineal overnight included  my fat dumpy tube: a piece of old blanket,
 Also steamed overnight was my larger version of the wool etamine/eucalyptus, shown here in front of larger eucalyptus and cochineal scarves,
 First day of the show, the traffic outside the virtual studio increased exponentially, later in the day it was packed and people were leaning against the glass. Tomorrow, this too will be open to the public, with demonstrations of a variety of techniques

 In todays session , I mainly concentrated on using old linens like the onion skins and pomegranate on this section of damask tablecloth using iron and copper mordant

Loved the marks of oak, maple, brambles and roses on this old beige embroidered tablecloth soaked in iron.
Some of my pieces including some silk chiffon and cotton gauze were still wet at the end of the session so are currently drying in my hotel bathroom - smells quite herbal in there.
Tomorrow I might even see some quilts!


Peneller said...

What fabulous colours you've got Mags! I thought about signing up for this class and I'm sorry I didn't now. My only reservation is how well the term eco dyeing sits with using chemicals like copper etc as mordants. Perhaps I need to rethink! Thanks for posting such wonderful photos.

Margaret Cooter said...

mmmm, very gorgeous! It was a treat to see the real thing yesterday. Looking forward to seeing these appear in your work...

Uta Lenk said...

Jealous! Hope you get A LOT out of this class, and very curious to see these things being stitched on!

Debbie said...

Great results, I love doing natural dyeing the results are not totally predictable which makes unwrapping each bundle a pleasure in itself, or occasionally a disappointment but totally addictive.

Judy Martin said...

I have enjoyed looking at your fabrics and reading about the process. Lovely fabrics.

Maggi said...

So envious having seen the piece that you brought along to show us.